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Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 6:20 pm
by Street-dreams
matter2003 wrote:
Street-dreams wrote:I am trying to get my mercury fillings out at the moment and having them replaced with something better.
How many do you have? I definitely advise anyone having any to get them replaced...make sure to ask for Non-BPA composite fillings...
I have 3 and I will ask for Non-BPA composites.

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 1:18 pm
by DaCookie
Im having my 2 replaced with porcelain inlays on the 26th September.Couldnt find a definite answer on non composite BPA fillings.All the dentists I asked either had it in them or didnt know or just told me they didnt...

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 12:46 pm
by matter2003
OK, been really reading up some more on things, and am implementing them as we speak. This is dealing with the psoriasis side of the equation, not so much the heavy metal side. I finished my PCA spray, and have decided it is simply too expensive to justify buying anymore of it when I can use cilantro and chlorella or cilantro and algin to basically do the same thing.

I read about Askmass' vegetable glycerin suggestion and found that it actually has some very good results for a lot of people, so I went out and got some...its really cheap. Started rubbing it on last night and again this morning. My Dad also has tons of aloe vera plants, so he gave me a few and I take the gel straight out of the plant and rub it onto the psoriasis, which also has very good results backed by several studies.

Started taking Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar today as again it has a multitude of results from it(2 TBSP per day). Continuing to take Raw Honey, which I ordered more of online for $27 including shipping for 6 lbs, which is a pretty good price.

Read over Dr. Pagano's diet for psoriasis and am starting to follow his recommendations. He strongly advises against eating anything from the nightshade family, which includes tomatoes, potatoes, peppers(not black pepper) and paprika. Out the window goes potatoes for me I guess. He recommends fruit and limited amounts of grains for carbs, which I guess I can start adding one or two servings of oatmeal a day. Also recommends against dairy and eggs, which I eat every day, so another thing out the window for me.

To make up the carb difference, I am likely going to have to drink organic fruit juices, since eating fruit in this quantity is not going to be really possible. Not really what I want to do, but with cinnamon mixed in I should be OK on the insulin side of it. He also recommends juicing carrots and celery together and drinking each day, which I started doing.

Goal is to get this into remission and then slowly start adding things back in until I find what the triggers for it are, so then I can avoid them on a more permanent basis.

It is going to be rough temporarily, and might even hinder my training and gains, but the reduction in inflammation and cortisol long-term will be well worth it, even if I have to spend my money on food items instead of supplements for the time being.

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:45 pm
by DaCookie
Question here.If i am allergic to say tomatoes and it makes my skin very itchy, is this because of the mercury or is the mercury just making this lesser allergen much worse?

Also where can I buy some good aloe vera to rub on because all the things I have seen are only really watered down stuff with a load of fillers.Pm me.

And I know you cant give me a definite answer but do you think my psoriasis will go away after a period of time when i get the mercury fillings removed?It is only very noticeable on the back of my knee and side of my arm but I only have 2 fillings but this problem seemed to only come up after I had these fillings I never had it before.I am thinking about going paleo also.

Also i noticed tanning helps my skin a lot.Maybe something for you to try.

Forgot to mention I also have eczema which is also apparently related to mercury.

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:10 pm
by askmass
DaCookie wrote:If i am allergic to say tomatoes and it makes my skin very itchy, is this because of the mercury or is the mercury just making this lesser allergen much worse?
It all depends, but you will see unlikely/uncanny positive changes, certainly.

My hearing and sense of smell improved, for instance.

I used to think caffeine was what made my neck so tied-up-in-knots tight when I drank black coffee (the only way I'll take it, no fru-fru coffee for this boy) but now I can drink it without any issues whatsoever... was it the mercury, or the inflammatory grains I used to eat... or the excess sugar/carbs that used to fuel my workouts and cycling??

I say, the mercury most of all, but everything ties in together and you'll wind up retesting clear of many former allergens as time goes on, no doubt, Cookie!

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:31 pm
by DaCookie
Alright I really hope so thanks.Definitely considering going paleo but probably only if I can get my hands on some good organic fruit/veg.

Also how is the low dose naltrexone doing matter?And where did you end up getting it?Pm me.

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:05 pm
by matter2003
askmass wrote:
DaCookie wrote:If i am allergic to say tomatoes and it makes my skin very itchy, is this because of the mercury or is the mercury just making this lesser allergen much worse?
It all depends, but you will see unlikely/uncanny positive changes, certainly.

My hearing and sense of smell improved, for instance.

I used to think caffeine was what made my neck so tied-up-in-knots tight when I drank black coffee (the only way I'll take it, no fru-fru coffee for this boy) but now I can drink it without any issues whatsoever... was it the mercury, or the inflammatory grains I used to eat... or the excess sugar/carbs that used to fuel my workouts and cycling??

I say, the mercury most of all, but everything ties in together and you'll wind up retesting clear of many former allergens as time goes on, no doubt, Cookie!
In most cases, it is not a full blown allergy, it is what is called an intolerance. An allergy will cause symptoms such as swelling, hives, etc very quickly and can be life threatening. An intolerance will not be noticeable in many cases for a long time and will have lots of things tied in that seemingly have no relationship to each other.

Here is a quick rundown of how mercury is the root cause of all of this. I think I have described it before but I will do a simplified version again.

Mercury->Intestinal Bacteria die-off/mutation->Candida overgrowth ->"Leaky Gut Syndrome"->Food Intolerance->Systemic Candida infection->Glutathione/Sulphur reserves depleted->Liver/Kidney toxin filtration overwhelmed->Immune System disorders

So a little more in depth of what happens:

Mercury destroys the intestinal bacteria as it is swallowed(was used for this purpose in the 1700s, it is highly effective), and the ones that don't die off become mutated and are able to live off mercury by changing the inorganic mercury in the fillings into a highly dangerous form of mercury known as methyl mercury(the kind found in tuna). Now, here is where things get interesting.

Candida and the intestinal flora coexist in a certain balance. When this balance is normal, both of them keep the other in check, kind of like the 2 parties in Congress. When the bacteria die, the candida is able to grow uninhibited and turn into a pathogenic form(once it passes a certain point) that starts to branch out by sending little "arms" or tentacles out from its body. These tentacles then actually pierce through the intestinal wall and the candida begins to travel out of its home environment of the intestine and into other parts of the body. 5 mg of Biotin prevents these arms from taking root in a host however. That however, is not the interesting part of the equation. That comes in because the proliferation of candida actually has another side effect that the body wants. It can take the methyl mercury that is produced by the mutated bacteria and change it back into the less dangerous inorganic mercury. In a way, the body intentionally allows candida to grow to combat the mercury in the system. The candida quickly grows out of control however, and then the body fights a futile battle to try and rid itself of the extra organisms. This is a classic example of pleomorphism, in which the same organism can exist in harmony with the body under one set of internal conditions, but turn pathogenic in the same organism when the internal conditions change. This is one of the reasons why drugs will never cure any disease. The disease is always based on a change in the internal environment of the host, usually in the internal environment becoming overly acidic. Change the internal conditions back to normal and the organism causing the disease will change back into a non-pathogenic form.

Food intolerances then occur because partially digested food is allowed to escape from the gut and into the bloodstream where it is a toxin and is attacked by the body. Any instance of this food then becomes a problem for an immune system that is "on guard" for it. The candida continue to spread throughout the body causing problems as they are not supposed to be outside of the intestines. With all these toxins floating around in the body at all times, the liver and kidneys become totally overwhelmed and unable to cope with and filter them out properly. The body's glutathione and sulphur reserves are also pretty much depleted by the mercury, so there is nothing to help get rid of these toxins. Finally after a long period of fighting, auto immune disorders start to manifest themselves and continue to get worse as the conditions remain favorable for these issues to continue.

The goal is to change the internal environment back into one that is unfavorable for the out of control growth of candida and that starts by removing the source of the problem, mercury. Then high doses of probiotics re-introduce good bacteria into the intestines and finally dietary changes and anti-fungal solutions are used to prevent inflammatory reactions by the body to this food and get the candida back under control. Once this happens, the food intolerances usually disappear as the intestinal wall integrity is reestablished.

So the steps are to:
1) Remove the source of the problem(mercury).
2) Pull the heavy metals out of the body(chlorella, cilantro, algin, PCA spray, bentonite clay, zeolite, R-ALA, Vitamin C, etc)
3) Re-establish proper bacteria flora in the intestines via probiotics and live "active" cultures in foods such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, etc
4) Temporarily eliminate common food intolerances such as wheat, dairy, nightshade plants(tomato, potato, peppers, etc), sugary foods, processed foods, etc, until body has healed itself
5) Go on an all out assault against candida:
Borax/Iodine is one of the most effective antifungals/antimicrobials known
Coconut Oil(extra virgin) is another tremendously effective candida killer
Olive Leaf Extract is another extremely potent one although you need to take it in relatively large doses
6) Normalize the immune system via Low Dose Naltrexone due to endorphin release
7) Attack inflammation internally and externally:
High EPA fish oil
Glycerin rubbed on psoriasis lesions 1-3 x daily
Cayenne pepper
Aloe Vera rubbed on psoriasis lesions 1-3 x daily
CastorOil rubbed on psoriasis lesions 1-3 x daily
Soaking in Dead Sea Salt baths 3-4 x weekly for 20 minutes
8) Restore proper liver functioning:
Milk Thistle
Lemon Juice
Dandelion Root
9) Provide Digestive Enzyme Support to help digest food properly
10) Provide high quantities of anti-oxidant support to destroy free radicals running rampant internally: Psoriasis sufferers were shown to have 3 times the level of endotoxins as non-psoriasis sufferers(weakened liver)
Chaga Tincture
Tart Cherry Juice
Pine Bark Extract
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Wild Berry Extracts
Acai Berry
Chinese Wolfberry
Beta Carotene
Goji Berries
11) Restablish proper body pH:
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables---fruits are natures "cleansers" while vegetables are natures "builders", both are highly alkaline with a few exceptions. Animal products are highly acidic, so to balance will need to eat a ton of these. Borax is also highly alkaline.
12) Sulphur it up---body needs sulphur as mercury strongly binds to 3 molecules of sulphur for each molecule of mercury. Fresh Garlic is a great source, but might be easier, cheaper and less offensive to the females to take MSM, a highly available and cheap form of sulphur...

Its a long process, but taking back your health will definitely be worth in the long run...

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:49 pm
by DaCookie
Great thanks for that.I will add some things also:

TUDCA is pretty much the most unbeatable liver support supp there is.The science is there and from personal use I can say the effects are noticeable almost instantly.Pale stools/foul smelling stools/loss of appetite=Compromised liver.That was gone within a few days of use.Probably the most effective supp I have used for doing what it says it will.

Would avoid commercial yogurt, kefir unless its raw/home made.Gherkins or americans call them pickles are also a good probiotic.I like them because they are easy to eat and decent on their own.

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:03 am
by matter2003
DaCookie wrote:Great thanks for that.I will add some things also:

TUDCA is pretty much the most unbeatable liver support supp there is.The science is there and from personal use I can say the effects are noticeable almost instantly.Pale stools/foul smelling stools/loss of appetite=Compromised liver.That was gone within a few days of use.Probably the most effective supp I have used for doing what it says it will.

Would avoid commercial yogurt, kefir unless its raw/home made.Gherkins or americans call them pickles are also a good probiotic.I like them because they are easy to eat and decent on their own.
Wow, never heard of that, thanks!

Yeah commercial yogurt sucks, you can actually pretty easily make your own with starter culture(my mom used to make it all the time for my dad from nothing more than a gallon of milk and some starter culture).

Also its very easy to make your own sauerkraut. Take a head of cabbage, a teaspoon of tarragon and 2 teaspoons of salt(sea salt preferably). Pound the cabbage to release the juices and make sure it covers the cabbage. Close the lid on the jar, let it sit for 2 days and its ready to go...

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 1:56 pm
by DaCookie
Got my mercury fillings removed but I had to have em replaced with BPA composites :(

It cost 275 but would have cost 1200 if I wanted 2 porcelain inlays.

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 10:26 pm
by matter2003
I believe I have found the final piece of the puzzle, and am starting to see some rapid improvements...

That piece? Betaine HCL, aka Hydrochloric Acid. Why? Studies showed that people with auto-immune disorders have extremely low to non-existent stomach acid. This causes a few things.

1) It allows organisms that do not belong in the stomach to live and thrive due to non-acidity. Once the stomach acidity is reestablished, these organisms can no longer survive and either get killed or migrate back down to the small intestines where they are supposed to be, and where they actually perform the function they are supposed to down there.

2) It prevents proper digestion of food. This improperly digested food then goes to the small intestines where it is basically toxic and causes the body to produce anti-bodies against it.

3) It prevents proper uptake of nutrients and minerals. Stomach acid production is highly dependent on several nutrients, but especially zinc, which is a catalyst for the enzymes needed to produce it. No zinc, little stomach acid. Once the stomach acid begins being reintroduced, eventually the body will start being able to produce it on its own after it has reestablished proper levels of nutrients and minerals, but it can still take up to a year for the body to stop the production of anti-bodies against the improperly digested food...

It simply then becomes a vicious cycle...stomach acid stops being produced, resulting in poorly absorbed nutrients, resulting in less acid being produced....

Have been taking Betaine HCL with Pepsin for about a week now, 2 caps before each meal(648 mg Betaine HCL, 151 mg Pepsin in each cap), and have noticed a huge improvement in clearing and lightening of the psoriasis especially on my knees.

All of these things work in conjunction with each other. Autoimmune disorders such as Crohn's, psoriasis, etc are nothing more than simply a breakdown in the proper digestion process of food. The cures begin and end in the stomach and small intestines...once those are properly reestablished, these conditions will disappear...

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:38 pm
by falfa
I'vebeen using Betaine HCL with Pepsin and a mix of other digestive enzymes.

Only problem I've these days are constipation. I've read its very common for people with IBS to get constipated on paleo. ... stipation/

I've read this which includes a great description.
“diarrhea is usually the outcome of some food that shouldn’t have been consumed, and constipation is food that should have been consumed, but it wasn’t“.

I'm in the future going to include bone broth and fermented foods into my diet.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:09 am
by DaCookie
I feel pretty sick when i detox, like i wanna just go to sleep for the next 6hours, but that was probably cause I did it like 10days in a row with the PCA, and am also cutting/paleo fairly low carbs and doing EC so.Imma do it in 4 day bursts now probably, but just before I go to bed because I think it will still make me nauseous.Im using most the stuff recommended here supplement wise, not the rub on skin stuff or any drugs though or the betaine hcl/pepsin

One thing of note, i ate tomato/vindaloo curry and the psoriasis flared up like crazy, the bits that were white/going soft have gone red again.I am staying away from that for sure from now on, had it couple days ago and skin is gradually goin white/soft again on the psoriasis patches.

Havent started tanning yet, have gotten pale again.Tanning really helps my psoriasis.Hoping that when the patches go fully white and I start tanning that they will all go away completely.

Also biggest improvement ive seen so far since having them removed is I dont feel groggy/have muzzy head anymore.Before there was some days where I would feel I was just floating through the day and not aware of anything, that happened a few times on detox days but again im putting that down to doing it like over 10 days in a row.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 6:16 pm
by falfa
Probably you should stay away from nightshades.
Look into the GAPS diet, it's a bit more hardcore paleo diet.