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Judicial Watch: "Ten Most Corrupt Politicians” for 2010

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:33 pm
by askmass

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 5:43 pm
by seasoned
Of course, they missed several, but how much did harry reid bribe them to not have HIM on the list?


Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 8:37 pm
by Hank!
Lotsa "D"'s on there where is the media?

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:03 pm
by askmass
9 out of 10 of the bums need to be sent home, but not before being called to account for their actions.

Virtually no one up there truly serves the people. The entire L/R game is complete bullshit.

The senate is sold out, and congress serves as pawns.

Follow the money.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:59 pm
by vangkm007
seasoned wrote:Of course, they missed several, but how much did harry reid bribe them to not have HIM on the list?

This website has a "conservative" slant. I'm sure if you dig hard enough there is dirt on almost any politician.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:51 pm
by vangkm007
askmass wrote: Virtually no one up there truly serves the people. The entire L/R game is complete bullshit.

The senate is sold out, and congress serves as pawns.

Follow the money.
I agree, and I truly believe that we the people, Republican or Democrat or Independent have a lot more in common with each other than with any of those fat cats. That's why it always gets me when we can be divided so easily with "social" issues that have no real huge impact on our lives at all. All the while corporations and crooked politicians are running away with all our money.

I wish we as the people of this country would be more wiling to build on our similarities rather than let petty differences separate us and distract us from the real enemy of the people: corporate america.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 11:20 pm
by seasoned
vangkm007 wrote:
seasoned wrote:Of course, they missed several, but how much did harry reid bribe them to not have HIM on the list?

This website has a "conservative" slant. I'm sure if you dig hard enough there is dirt on almost any politician.
YEAH, SO? I was BANNED on a "NON political site" because, while I was tryingg to steer things more to the CENTER, I mentioned that I once agreed with almost ALL democrats, on NAFTA! I said "HEY, miracles happen!". I was banned for 8 days, and told I would be banned for a MONTH if I ever did it again. A few flaming LIBERALS go there and say ANYTHING with IMPUNITY!

Frankly, I don't know HOW Obama got elected. He was NOT Christian. Wright identifies strongly with his nation of islam idols! A Christian couldn't sit through such hog wash. And that church was RACIST! ACORN got illegal votes. The black panthers scared whites away from voting areas. And he helped pass the BIGGEST spending plan ANYWHERE in ALL OF HISTORY. He says that so much happened before he was president but SURPRISE! The president didn't write or pass the spending rules. CONGRESS DID! AND, as a SENATOR he had a better than 1% interest in the vote! The president can only suggest, or reject everything in a particular bill. So it is clear that obama, and his cohorts that RAN congress(making his 1% effectively 100%), had more to do with the huge debacle than Bush had.

But HEY, they DID have a republican on the list. Granted it was a rather minor thing comparatively, but STILL. Oh, and democrats love saying how you HAVE to do such things, and belittle the trial against clinton, so they can't say anything against a republican for this. and what DID happen to vince foster? You remember, the guy that made his blood flow uphill, and somehow hid a gun.
