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2011 And Beyond: We're Playing Offense

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:17 pm
by RobRegish
OK everyone, heads up on a life altering week for me. This really has nothing to do with me, it will however - affect you.

Some of you know this some of you don't but.. my "real" job is in Insurance. Always has been. You've also likely heard my rants about Corporate America, which I'm fond of poking fun at. To be clear: I am grateful to have a job b/c I've been without one and I know there are many here that wish they had one. I digress...

This week, I submitted my year end review to my manger, her manager, his manager and the senior level management team. Ultimately, nothing is final until management signs off on management's approval. You'll need to approve of their approval of course, but it's all good b/c they'll sign off on it anyway. Get that? :)

Rob didn't have his usual stellar year. Last year, there were victory parades seemingly weekly. This year? Not so hot. A variety of external business and personal issues converged and I never took time off to deal with it. Lesson learned. In writing this up though, it gave me pause to think "what if"...

What if I lose my job in February? (next round of layoffs). I paused.... it occurred to me that I really wouldn't be losing MY job but rather, A job.

There is a difference.

Just prior to coming to that realization, I saw the following posted here. I'm going to post it word for word b/c it was 1.) posted publicly and 2.) meant more to me than any amount of $$ ever could. It went like this...

"We made some decisions that caused us a lot of stress and fear at first, but we did so knowing that this would be right for us and allow us to help many others around us. Other decisions included bettering ourselves physically. This year we plan to continue moving forward and finding ways to take this further, maybe start trying for kids this year too! We have much to be thankful for, both challenges and blessings.

The fact that you all have come into my life I find to be extraordinary.

Rob, I am truly grateful for you. The more we talk the more I understand how rare a servant leader you are. You have given so much, never expecting anything in return. The satisfaction you get every time someone hits a new PR, every time someone's life is bettered because of the BP... I believe there are great things coming for you and your family because of everything you are and everything you do. I can't say enough good things, but I should stop there. Merry Christmas".

I flipped that to Dr. Connelly one day (OP I did not include your name out of respect for you), but the good Dr. responded with this:

"In the twilight of your life things like this will be all that really matters..."

He was so right. A day or two later, my Grandfather's only remaining brother passed away. My Grandpa is 91 now, and took it like the rock of a man that he is. Still, I knew deep down he was hurting. Dr. Connelly was so right. You know what I DIDN'T hear about at his funeral? How many games of corporate checkmate he won/lost, how much money he made, etc..

My point is this: We are building something here much larger than any one of us. This is a borderline movement now that grows by the day. No pirate, no troll and no hack can EVER take that away from us. You know why?

Because I use them as fuel to get up earlier, stay up later and stop at nothing, and I mean NOTHING to keep you ahead of the pirates. In fact, I called the pirates out two weeks ago on Challenged them to find out what's really in that mysterious silver bag that's landing here and there. Challenged them to come up with better ideas, tips and tricks than I'm providing behind the scenes now. Challenged them to tell me what's in "The Formula" and why it's working so well. Haven't heard anything. I won't either. You know why? Because not ONE of them has the GUTS, the DRIVE nor whatever it is that's inside of me that makes me tick to bring YOU better and better information.

I challenged them again today. Told them to keep using 2.0 they pirated b/c guys like Big.Jaz, Turboflex, Draco etc would leave them choking in their dust. Don't believe that? See here:

Top Range Rack Pull with Static Hold - Big Jaz shows us how its done!

You see that? That was MONTHS ago, before he walked off with 3 state records in PART b/c of secrets uncovered since 2.0's release. He also just so happens to have tremendous INTEGRITY, drive and determination "they" don't have. You see the pattern here? I flipped that to Pete Sisco this morning of Static Contraction fame. I've been learning more from him in an attempt to deliver a 3.0 that'll trump even 2.0. No easy task. Know what he said?

"Looks like that guy had 765 on that bar. That's a very impressive lift".

Damn straight it is. And he's only getting stronger from here on out. The same goes for you. Why again? Personal integrity, loyalty and standing by me when people say "it's too good to be true".

If you think that's something, you haven't seen ANYTHING yet. Here were Hank's comments today. He's running the 3.0 training/dietary draft template:

"I bet had I not got sick I could be under 260 buy now, pants that were tight xmas morning now very comfy.

BP 3.0 is gold".

Harrison? he texted me a few weeks back: "The fat just keeps flying off!! I haven't even started the caloric decrements yet!!"..

Listen, I'm not here to say I know it all. Far from it. You all have taught me and helped me more than you'll ever know. All I'm saying is this: Whatever happens to me in 2011 doesn't change the game plan here...

We play offense, and we play to win.

I will not stop, I will not rest and I will not give in until they put me into the ground. I will see to it that you have the very BEST information I can uncover and the very BEST help I can give you.

IF I do wind up losing A job in insurance, it's all good. Why? Because it may just be by design.

I can do the insurance thing, and met many people along the way in my career that gave me the confidence to do what I'm doing now. No, they know nothing of what we do but they do offer ties that bind, though they don't know it.

What I'm saying is..... I have a gift (I think they call it obsessive compulsive disorder). A gift that allows me to help people in FAR more profound ways than I ever could at the insurance factory.

And I will use that gift to better my life, your life and everyone else that is open to my help, Blueprint or not.

Take that to your 2011 bank.

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:22 pm
Rob my man, I have to agree..this is your God givin talent, You're to damned good at it for it not to be "meant to be".. I'm lookn forward to what 2011 will bring to our BP community!!.. Good luck to all of us!!

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:42 pm
by RobRegish
I have a feeling it's part of his plan man. In fact, I am now sure of it.

Tomorrow will tell the tale...

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:11 pm
by JML2011
best of luck bro!

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:03 am
by RobRegish
You too, may be up for a cabinet position JML2011 :)

Undetermined at this time but I'm working on it..

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:26 am
by JML2011
As long as its stocked with plenty of beer.... :)

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 10:59 pm
by RobRegish
JML2011 wrote:As long as its stocked with plenty of beer.... :)
Per your request... :)

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:19 am
by JlCh
Quite a great post Rob. The information in the BP is worth the 35$. The gains you make without supplements in the BP is worth 35$. Your constant feedback and expertise is worth hundreds. The pirates should probably sit and think about that (or perhaps they shouldn't).

I still stand by my very first suggestion to you considering this site. I feel a donation tab of some sort would be a great idea. Not "in your face", but able to do so if you desired. People like me with little money couldn't pay for the forums here, but if I came across a little bit of wealth I'd haven no problems pitching you some extra cash for your time and effort, which more than likely wouldn't be even close to what was "deserved".

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:42 am
by RobRegish
Appreciate those sentiments.

If I do get "re-deployed", it may come to pass. We'll cross that bridge though if I come to it.... I'd have a hard time justifying that request given all my BP Believer's have ALREADY given back.

Payment in no way $$$$ could ever match...