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Civil unrest broke out in Bahrain

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:39 am
by bigpelo
As most of you know, there are a series of protests across North Africa and the Middle East.

As most of you probably don't know is that the Formula one season was supposed to start this week end in Bahrain.

I studied mechanical engineering because of this sport, I am truly a huge fan, as my avatar shows...

What is sad about this Grand Prix, and the one in Abu Dhabi is that super rich peoples (2 petroleum princes) decided to pay every penny needed to hold a GP: track, FIA fees, hotel, etc. Despite that, the Bahrain GP is cancelled because of the civil unrest broke out: people are poor!

Conclusion: Money can't buy anything!

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:11 pm
by RobRegish

Now I have this to add to helping my boy Mo'mar out plus the Japanese (the whole Tsunami thing).

TFOF(tm) can handle it though. This trio can tackle anything, I tell ya'... :)