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BP 3.0 Run 4 and 5 + Warrior Diet + Paleo

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 4:32 pm
by pcallaghan
I've had great success with Paleo + 3.0 already, occasionally utilizing Warrior diet principles of intermittent fast/feast depending on food available. I dropped from 24% bf last March to currently hovering around 11-12% bf. Strength has also increased in this time frame. Legs seem stuck, mainly my squat is stuck at about 315. Not too concerned for the time being about that though.

I'm going to work on utilizing Warrior diet on a more regular basis for this run. This will be a series of 2 runs maybe 3 as I prepare for wedding/honeymoon in May.

Kre-Anabolyn (Feast)
Adaptogen-N (Feast)
Alpha-EFX (Feast and Cruise?)
Burn-it-UP! (Cruise)
Yohimbe Supreme (Feast and Cruise?)
Probiotic Pearls
CL Orange Triad
CL Oximega Fish Oil
NOW Vitamin D3
NOW Glucosamine/Chondroitin
Xtreme Formulations Whey

I think thats it, may be missing something though, have White Flood, RecoverPro, Karbolyn, GPA, Amazing Grass greens, bulk Leucine, and bulk Creatine Mono as well.

This is currently day 2 of Famine, with one workout behind me already. While its the first time without caffeine, the intermittent fasting with only raw foods during the day has kept my energy much higher than I expected.

Two things I want/need to add into these runs. I need to use a foam roller more, especially on the legs as stretching doesn't seem to always get the job done. Second, the Convict Conditioning post has me intrigued and I'm considering adding this in, if anything it would help with my performance on the ice. Thoughts?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:19 am
by drtda
I've started using a foam roller recently and it really helps on my legs, especially hamstrings. It's pretty good on the back too, so I'm trying to use it a little each day either pre-workout or on off days to loosen up tight muscle groups.

Re: BP 3.0 Run 4 and 5 + Warrior Diet + Paleo

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:50 am
by RobRegish
pcallaghan wrote:I've had great success with Paleo + 3.0 already, occasionally utilizing Warrior diet principles of intermittent fast/feast depending on food available. I dropped from 24% bf last March to currently hovering around 11-12% bf. Strength has also increased in this time frame. Legs seem stuck, mainly my squat is stuck at about 315. Not too concerned for the time being about that though.

I'm going to work on utilizing Warrior diet on a more regular basis for this run. This will be a series of 2 runs maybe 3 as I prepare for wedding/honeymoon in May.

Kre-Anabolyn (Feast)
Adaptogen-N (Feast)
Alpha-EFX (Feast and Cruise?)
Burn-it-UP! (Cruise)
Yohimbe Supreme (Feast and Cruise?)
Probiotic Pearls
CL Orange Triad
CL Oximega Fish Oil
NOW Vitamin D3
NOW Glucosamine/Chondroitin
Xtreme Formulations Whey

I think thats it, may be missing something though, have White Flood, RecoverPro, Karbolyn, GPA, Amazing Grass greens, bulk Leucine, and bulk Creatine Mono as well.

This is currently day 2 of Famine, with one workout behind me already. While its the first time without caffeine, the intermittent fasting with only raw foods during the day has kept my energy much higher than I expected.

Two things I want/need to add into these runs. I need to use a foam roller more, especially on the legs as stretching doesn't seem to always get the job done. Second, the Convict Conditioning post has me intrigued and I'm considering adding this in, if anything it would help with my performance on the ice. Thoughts?
"I dropped from 24% bf last March to currently hovering around 11-12% bf. Strength has also increased in this time frame..."

First things first: This is INCREDIBLE progress! You've slashed your bodyfat in HALF yet, you're STRONGER? Exactly what I aspired to achieve, with 3.0... :) Soooo happy, you too have succeeded!

With respect to the foam rolling, please do 2 things for me/us...

1.) Describe in as much detail, how you go about this (I'll tell you why later) and

2.) Keep at it, provided it continues to help!

Finally, with respect to Convict Conditioning - FANTASTIC tool IMO, to pair with BP. How so? Best done IMO with a 3x/week training frequency or the "Good Behavior" routine cited therein.

This allows for plenty of recovery/growth days during the week, doesn't water down your work with the weights and will ADD STRENGTH/FLExIBILITY the barbell/dumbell work will not.

So excited for you man, you don't even know... :) 5Faces of Fear(tm) are keeping close tabs on this one, so feel free to reach out to one of us, in the event you need any further help!

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:23 pm
by pcallaghan
Not much time to describe the foam roller currently. I'll post that up by the weekend.

Started reading the Convict Conditioning book last night, was tempted to continue reading instead of sleeping. My thought was exactly that Rob, to use it 3 times per week (MWF type schedule). I've been followed that format for my past 3.0 runs and continue to do so.

Famine workout 2 was done this morning, felt a bit weaker (could've been less sleep last night than the previous few). No soreness from workout 1, I've been only taking in fruit (banana or pineapple) along with Amazing Grass Greens Chocolate Superfood which has also helped get through the IF periods.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:32 pm
by pcallaghan
Last day of famine...

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 4:43 pm
by pcallaghan
Feast Workout 1 completed today.

Tried 2 drops of Yohimbine Supreme + 1/2 scoop of White Flood, felt pretty damn good. Strength seemed higher, added a bunch of weight to my static holds.

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 10:06 pm
by pcallaghan
Completed Feast #6 yesterday. Work/School has me absolutely exhausted.

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 11:48 am
by pcallaghan
This crazy schedule isn't working out with diet. Next run will be cleaner. I'm seeing results but sugar intake is higher than it should be as well as I'm not able to perform over-eating phase the way I intended. One more week of feast, then onto cruise.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:17 am
by pcallaghan
Finished cruise today. Last weigh in had me up about 5-6 pounds from the start of famine. I was 176 when I started famine.

Starting famine again next week, similar supplements and working towards more recomp.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:41 pm
by pcallaghan
Famine started up again today. Goal is to eat mainly raw veggies during the day, eat small amount of protein at night for dinner.

Intermittent fasting should help and attempting "Bulletproof Coffee" during the IF periods which is 2 cups of coffee, grass-fed butter, and in place of the recommended MCT oil I'm using coconut oil. Anyone tried this? I think my diet recently has included not enough fat and much more sugar than it should so while sugar will be a bit higher this week with a larger fruit intake the fat needs to increase as well. Using livestrong's myplate to track macro's.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:04 am
by RobRegish
pcallaghan wrote:Famine started up again today. Goal is to eat mainly raw veggies during the day, eat small amount of protein at night for dinner.

Intermittent fasting should help and attempting "Bulletproof Coffee" during the IF periods which is 2 cups of coffee, grass-fed butter, and in place of the recommended MCT oil I'm using coconut oil. Anyone tried this? I think my diet recently has included not enough fat and much more sugar than it should so while sugar will be a bit higher this week with a larger fruit intake the fat needs to increase as well. Using livestrong's myplate to track macro's.
Interesting experiment man!

Going to be watching this one closely. You're doing a GREAT job, making adjustments... :)

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:09 am
by pcallaghan
Haven't thrown an update out in awhile... loving the "bulletproof coffee". This seems to help with IF through the morning, though my sugar intake with birthdays and such makes IF much more difficult. Everything was still paleo but still sugar nonetheless and I can see I'm not leaning out quite as quickly.

From the training side, I'm trying to pick up the pace and get the EDT blocks more where they should be. I think the training partners are starting to slow me down and their mooching of my gym membership is starting to get to me. May be time to cut ties with these guys, at least for lifting. Been two years and no offer to help pay. The one I think is getting weaker and just losing weight.

Being sick hasn't helped me this run, haven't lifted as often and I think I got sick since I just haven't eaten as cleanly as normal (back to the sugar and birthday bs).

I need to squeeze one more run in here, so I have a question here. I've said it before but wedding is May 19th, and honeymoon is 23rd to 30th. In the past year I've dropped my bf% to (according to one of those handheld things) between 11-12%. Still have some around the midsection which i want to reduce as much as possible.My plan is to have one additional run done, with the last day being May 18th. This gives me approximately 8 weeks. Should I stop this not so great run now, go to famine once I've cleared this head-cold bs and do the run? The run is going to be with Synthagen and AN, continuing IF w/ the coffee in the morning, plus doing a sugar detox (following the direction of Diane Sanfilippo from balancedbites dot com)to get myself back to normal. No need for KA or Ebol given I have Synthagen and AN correct?

I'll post up template of my proposed workouts in the next day or so. I'm trying to integrate in some of the Convict Conditioning stuff for end of the workouts plus may change some things up given what I read through in that time: current Kindle books are Ori's "Unlock Your Muscle Gene" which I'm currently reading then others I haven't gotten to yet are, Pavel's "Enter the Kettlebell", Pete Sisco "Intro to SCT", and Charles Stanley's "Muscle Logic Escalating Density Training".

No way in the world am I getting through all of these books but I'm hoping once I finish this I'll be able to better understand things and be able to modify better. I'm a computer geek but Rob has turned me into more of a fitness geek!