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Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 3:21 am
by DaCookie
falfa wrote:Probably you should stay away from nightshades.
Look into the GAPS diet, it's a bit more hardcore paleo diet.
Maybe but im not sure.The bad reaction is not as evident with potatoes though if that is the case.Im Irish and for a long period of time through our history our race has just eaten potatoes and milk and some just eating potatoes.I will pay closer attention to potatoes now but the things that give me bad reactions are the following: Some pasteurized cheese, maybe cheese in general but I think eating the raw cheese is ok.I am presuming pasteurized milk is another, I tolerate raw milk really really well.Makes me feel really good and can drink a gallon of the stuff a day no problem, cant think of a single food that makes me feel better then it.Tomatoes is definitely one, I think cooked tomatoes/tomatoe pastes are worse then say cherry tomatoes and it does seem to definitely be a quantity thing cause I can have a pizza sometimes and be fine but if I have this same pizza and then say a vindaloo a few days later like happened before, skin flares up a lot.

There is also this food product that has mango/coconut and some added sugar.Im not sure which ingredient it is, all I know is if I eat a bag of the stuff my skin flares up.

Have had sheperds pie for a lot of my life maybe once every 2 weeks.Like half of it is mash potatoe and never noticed a connection with it and my skin but like I said I will pay much greater attention to it now.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 3:56 pm
by thicketman
Matter, you might be interested in incorporating topical magnesium chloride into your detox protocol. I'll likely purchase some for my wife when she has her fillings removed and I'll likely be using it for my own general health. There is some pretty interesting reading at the following link.

From the website FAQs:

Is Ancient Minerals topical magnesium beneficial for detoxification?

Magnesium is not only beneficial, but also essential! The body utilizes alkaline minerals such as magnesium to process cellular debris and counteract elevated uric acid production when combating a detox reaction. In addition, if there is not an adequate amount of magnesium for combating the detox reaction, it will remove the magnesium from the bones and body for this purpose.

Studies have shown that magnesium is one of the most commonly deficient nutrients in the chemically toxic individual. People who tend to retain chemical and heavy metal toxins were observed to excrete a high amount of magnesium in their urine, and have problems maintaining adequate magnesium levels. Most importantly, magnesium shields our cells from heavy metals such as aluminum, mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium and nickel, which explains why we so desperately need magnesium for heavy metal detoxification.

Magnesium, for the most part, is indispensable for the survival of our cells, but takes on additional significance in the age of toxicity where our systems are overrun on a daily basis with heavy metals.

There is escalating evidence that low levels of magnesium plays a role in the deposition of heavy metals that may have accumulated in brain tissue. In fact, the cause and solution of numerous physical maladies can be as easy as correcting a magnesium deficiency. In addition, many of the difficulties with mercury chelation can be reduced when the subject is administered sufficient magnesium. Most information associated with chelation will tell you that chelating wastes minerals. Yet very little investigation has been done into the critical mineral whose loss cannot be tolerated without unacceptable risk.

Magnesium is vital for phase one detoxification and, along with other minerals such as zinc, dislodges toxic heavy metals from the body. The bottom line is that magnesium is a fundamental factor in the natural self-cleansing and detoxification responses of the body.

According to Doctor Frederica P. Perera, Professor of Environmental Health Sciences and Director of the Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health, there is a 500-fold difference in the ability of each person to detoxify the same exact toxin. One of the main indicators is each individual’s level of magnesium. For these reasons, the use of Ancient Minerals magnesium oil, magnesium gel, magnesium lotion, and magnesium flakes, provides the user with a foundational support system for safe and efficient detox.

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:59 am
by wtmarcus
Following this thread with great interest.. and coming from Sweden I always find it perplexing that so many countries even allow mercury fillings to be put in. They've been banned in Sweden/Denmark/Norway for some time now.

Anyway this thing about oil pulling I found interesting and I thought I'd comment.
matter2003 wrote: Toothpaste I still use, but I had read somewhere a dentist actually recommended brushing your teeth with regular soap instead of toothpaste.

Honestly the best thing I have done for the health of my mouth and seemingly overall health in a long time has been something called "Oil Pulling". Basically you take a tablespoon of oil(preferably organic sunflower or sesame), keep it in your mouth and swish it around, through your teeth, all over the gums, etc for 20 minutes first thing in the morning before doing eating or drinking anything. Its an ancient Ayurvedic practice that is supposed to detoxify your body by pulling toxins though your saliva into the oil. You then spit the oil out into the toilet(it is toxic) and rinse with warm water with a half tsp of salt and half tsp of baking soda, spitting all of that out as well. Oil should go from a light yellow color to a whitish color, the consistency of milk. I am unsure exactly how it works, but my belief is that it gets deep into the areas of the mouth where bacteria breed and basically sucks them out. Those particular oils are also very strongly anti-bacteria and anti-fungal as well.
All I know is after 2 weeks, I feel better and the dark circles and bags under my eyes are getting much less noticeable. It also has been shown to be the absolute best solution to cure gingivitis and also reduce plaque(better than brushing, flossing or mouthwash). Not only that, but it whitens teeth better than paying a dentist $400 do it, and also has been shown to reverse early stages of tooth decay... It sounds really weird, but it works really well, try it, you won't be disappointed...
I don't know the working mechanics of this here either but I can make some educated guesses. Bacteria don't really grow "deep in the mouth." Bacteria (good kinds and bad kinds) grows on your teeth, and some even grow on the soft tissue (everything that is not teeth) just they never go deep into these tissues because it is constantly being shedded and swallowed. Some bacterial colonies could potentially be hiding in fissures on your tongue, or if you have less than ideal oral hygiene to start off with they could be hiding on your teeth but below the gingiva (normal cause of gingivitis), so I guess those are the areas you could be cleaning out.

I am glad the oil pulling is working for you. It doesn't do jack for me.. flossing and brushing is much nicer for me.

As for brushing with soap I don't really understand why that is recommended. Might as well brush with water. The detergents don't really do much for cleaning your teeth.. if anything they do bad things for your oral mucosa by dissolving the protecting lipid layer.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 11:14 am
by askmass
Bump, to help keep this very important topic actively discussed.

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 12:36 pm
by thicketman
This thread plus the borax thread led me to begin investigating some of my wife's health issues. About a year ago, she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. The doc said there is no cure. He recommended exercise, anti-depressants, and to expect "bad days".

Fast forward...

She was tested for heavy metals poisoning. Her barium levels are off the chart. She also has significant levels of arsenic, aluminum, lead, and mercury.

Eight of her twelve mercury fillings have been replaced. She is currently undergoing intravenous chelation therapy using EDTA as the primary chelater.

After we get her healthy, I plan on getting tested/treated myself.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 3:37 am
by wtmarcus
A tip for anyone going to have their mercury fillings removed and replaced with some other filling...

The common thing, atleast in Europe, is to use composite materials - instead of gold, glass, porcelain - for fillings. A fairly popular one is BisGMA. What is BisGMA? It's bisphenol A-glycidyl methacrylate.

If you haven't heard of Bisphenol A (aka. BPA) then you're either living in some paradise country or under some rock. Get informed on this baby!

For some reading on BisGMA these are a must read:

Bisphenol A-glycidyl methacrylate induces a broad spectrum of DNA damage in human lymphocytes

Dental methacrylates may exert genotoxic effects via the oxidative induction of DNA double strand breaks and the inhibition of their repair

Don't let anyone put this in your mouth!

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 4:14 pm
by DaCookie
I dont really buy the whole BPA in composites thing.From what Ive seen you only get a significant amount of BPA on the day its put in and besides that its very little, sure it probably does cause DNA damage but not in the doses thats seen with it in teeth over long periods of time, its not like mercury where even a tiny bit is no doubt bad..While Im not saying its perfect, I would have got porcelain if it wasnt so expensive but in saying that I think gold is a lot worse and that this is no where near a big deal as mercury, your probably getting more BPA drinking out of shakers to be honest.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 9:08 am
by wtmarcus
DaCookie wrote:I dont really buy the whole BPA in composites thing.From what Ive seen you only get a significant amount of BPA on the day its put in and besides that its very little, sure it probably does cause DNA damage but not in the doses thats seen with it in teeth over long periods of time, its not like mercury where even a tiny bit is no doubt bad..While Im not saying its perfect, I would have got porcelain if it wasnt so expensive but in saying that I think gold is a lot worse and that this is no where near a big deal as mercury, your probably getting more BPA drinking out of shakers to be honest.
I'm not advocating porcelain or gold. I'm advocating getting composites that aren't BisGMA.

There has been quite a few studies the last couple of years pointing to some very big problems of BisGMA. It's not just the bisphenol-A, it is also the methacrylate. For this reason something like UDMA is also out.

I for one will never put any of these two things in any future patients I'll be doing fillings on.

Having these substances leak out in and around your teeth is way worse than drinking them. The blood flow to and from teeth is enormous and shit from there travels everywhere quite fast (flossing your teeth *does* give you statistically better heart health for this reason). One of the reported issues is the methacrylate messing up some special cells around your teeth.. the ones that produce the stuff that makes your teeth not fall out. Those are the cells that get the DNA damage (ie. cells right around your teeth root).

And yeah.. We are talking doseages that equal what you see in normal dental work.

I'm in fact very surprised these things are still legal in Sweden.. but I guess the lack of good alternatives is what keeps it this way.


A good thing to do if one has any methacrylate containing fillings is to use melatonin daily and let it dissolve in the mouth.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:37 pm
by matter2003
Started taking Dr. Laszlo Meszaros Metal Shield from Swanson(I LOVE swanson products) as I caught it on a buy one get one free special...bought 3 bottles of it and got 3 $9.99 for 30 caps, I got a 6 month supply for under $30, which is a steal, and it contains a very interesting compound called humifulvate, which is a type of peat found in eastern europe that has very similar properties to PCA in that it takes heavy metals out of your body safely but it also helps the body absorb minerals that are supposed to be there is a combination of humic and fulvic acids. The humic acid acts like a magnet which draws the heavy metals to it, but as it is too large a molecule to actually be absorbed in the bloodstream, it is expelled from the body, while the fulvic acid is absorbed and bonds with valuable minerals such as magnesium to help increase bioavailablity...

The formula also contains Vitamin, chlorella, cilantro, Spanish Black Radish Root, and L-Cysteine...

Here is an in depth article regarding it, along with an interview by Lee Swanson with Dr. Meszaros: ... hield.html

Very interested in seeing how this works, as it is much, much less expensive than PCA...

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 12:01 pm
by thicketman
As I mentioned above, my wife is undergoing intravenous EDTA chelation therapy. Here is a writeup on some of its benefits:

Talking to others who have undergone this therapy and/or their family members, here are some results:

1) Co-worker's father had high cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar. His doctor couldn't get any of them under control. After chelation therapy (presumably 30 sessions), all of the aforementioned health markers were within normal ranges.

2) Same co-worker's diabetic friend had sores on the tops of his feet. The doctor's attempts to heal the sores failed. While undergoing chelation therapy, the sores healed.

3) Fellow Patient 1 (at the clinic my is going to) has cancer. He has been receiving chelation therapy for 6 months. He was excited because he had just found out that his "counts" (I'm guessing complete blood counts) has tripled. The counts had been at 60.

4) Fellow Patient 2 is diabetic and started chelation therapy when his doctor ordered the amputation of his black foot. The chelation doctor convinced him to wait and give chelation a chance. After 6 sessions, his foot has improved from black to purple due to increased circulation.

5) Fellow Patient 3 had a 90% blockage in one of his arteries. His heart doctor wanted to perform a surgical procedure. He refused the procedure since his dad had undergone the same procedure and died a year later anyway. After ~1 year of chelation therapy, his wife insisted that he see the heart doctor again...his blockage was clear...that was 7 years ago. He has been receiving periodic chelation therapy for maintenance ever since.

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 7:22 pm
by DaCookie
My psoriasis is clearing up nicely.The biggest patch I had is almost the same colour as normal skin now.Sun beds have been a miracle for me and staying away from foods im allergic to(nuts, tomatoes, pasteurized dairy)I think it will all be gone within 6months maybe less and ill be introducing aloe vera to it soon.

I recommend for anyone with bad psoriasis or eczema for sure to get their mercury fillings removed then do a detox as discussed in this thread, the more you have and the bigger they are the longer you will have to detox and to hit the sun beds heavy.If your rat is one that has a certain skin type that will burn no matter what I strongly recommend you do research into the peptide melanotan 2 for your rat for research purposes only.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:35 am
by matter2003
DaCookie wrote:My psoriasis is clearing up nicely.The biggest patch I had is almost the same colour as normal skin now.Sun beds have been a miracle for me and staying away from foods im allergic to(nuts, tomatoes, pasteurized dairy)I think it will all be gone within 6months maybe less and ill be introducing aloe vera to it soon.

I recommend for anyone with bad psoriasis or eczema for sure to get their mercury fillings removed then do a detox as discussed in this thread, the more you have and the bigger they are the longer you will have to detox and to hit the sun beds heavy.If your rat is one that has a certain skin type that will burn no matter what I strongly recommend you do research into the peptide melanotan 2 for your rat for research purposes only.

Yeah I have been going tanning now for about 4 weeks and my skin is really starting to lighten and clear where my psoriasis is...

Something else that might be of interest to you, which I know has been helping as well is discussed in this thread...

other than getting my fillings out and detoxing, this may be the most important health related thing I have ever done for myself... ... php?t=2006

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:31 pm
by DaCookie
I think that list is way to large, its basically like there is nothing left.What i absolutely must avoid: Tomatoe, MSG, anything more then a few nuts

Can eat a lot but will eventually have pretty negative effects: pasteurized dairy products.

Am thinking to also add strawberries.If I avoid all these things, tan regularly, use my non chemical shampoo/conditioner/soap/aloe vera/vitamin e then my skin is super good and the psoriasis never seems to flare up.Am hoping to have it fully gone in a few months, its just mostly pale patches that need to even in with the rest of my skin.

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 2:14 pm
by askmass
thicketman wrote:As I mentioned above, my wife is undergoing intravenous EDTA chelation therapy. Here is a writeup on some of its benefits:

Talking to others who have undergone this therapy and/or their family members, here are some results:

1) Co-worker's father had high cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar. His doctor couldn't get any of them under control. After chelation therapy (presumably 30 sessions), all of the aforementioned health markers were within normal ranges.

2) Same co-worker's diabetic friend had sores on the tops of his feet. The doctor's attempts to heal the sores failed. While undergoing chelation therapy, the sores healed.

3) Fellow Patient 1 (at the clinic my is going to) has cancer. He has been receiving chelation therapy for 6 months. He was excited because he had just found out that his "counts" (I'm guessing complete blood counts) has tripled. The counts had been at 60.

4) Fellow Patient 2 is diabetic and started chelation therapy when his doctor ordered the amputation of his black foot. The chelation doctor convinced him to wait and give chelation a chance. After 6 sessions, his foot has improved from black to purple due to increased circulation.

5) Fellow Patient 3 had a 90% blockage in one of his arteries. His heart doctor wanted to perform a surgical procedure. He refused the procedure since his dad had undergone the same procedure and died a year later anyway. After ~1 year of chelation therapy, his wife insisted that he see the heart doctor again...his blockage was clear...that was 7 years ago. He has been receiving periodic chelation therapy for maintenance ever since.
Quick note to link legitimate DMSA availability for those searching. DMSA is a strong oral Heavy Metal Chelating Agent/EDTA Alternative.

https://www. -sorry, all sold out