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Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 7:18 pm
by dropthebeats
That's a great workout! Keep it up!

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 9:58 pm
by SloTown
Thanks man! I took your words of encouragement with me to the gym today and I will for WO6 as well! :)

It really was a great workout! It's been almost 7 hours and my muscles still feel full! I want to go back and do it again, but I've got a few more epic WO's to go to finish off feast so I'll take a day of rest and hit it again on Wednesday.

Thanks bro!

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 8:01 am
by dropthebeats
You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. I've ran the GLP 1 loading pattern. I like it a lot. It's definitely a favorite.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2012 4:57 pm
by SloTown
Day 30 of feast
Weight - 169lbs.
Body Fat - Not sure since my caliper broke and I don't know any other way to measure, but if my stomach is any indication, I'm loosing Body Fat.
My weight hasn't change since I started this run, but my BF has gone down so there's something to be said about that.

GLP1 WO5 - Squats
MPS - 7 pre/post WO

I was exhausted after my workout today. As I've mentioned before, working my legs/lower body totally wipes me out and I was near death at the end of this workout, but it was a good one.

Ball Squats - 40sx10, 60sx8, 65sx6, 70sx4, 75sx2
Superset w/Hyperextensions - 10,10,10,10
3 min rest in between sets

5 min rest

EDT 1 - 20:13
Standing Calf Raise - 150x12,12,11,10,10
Glute Extension - 100x7,7,5, 5,4
Abs - Leg raises - 15,15,15,15
Didn't really reach failure on any of these, but I was fatigued for sure.
5 min rest

EDT 2 - 9:59
Lat Pulldowns - 120x6,5,5,4,4
Shoulder Press - 30x7,7.5,5,5
Again, didn't reach what I would call failure on these but was really fatigued.

I did something a little different with my first EDT block. I incorporated Leg raises into the block. Not sure if this is a good idea or not, but thought it would increase some intensity. This might explain why I felt like puking by the time I was done...

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 5:38 pm
by SloTown
Day 32 of feast
Weight - 169
GLP1 WO6 - Bench Press
MPS - 7 pre/post

No big deal today, oh wait....unless setting a new PR and establishing a new 1RM for Bench Press is a big deal! The GLP program was successful and I hit my 105% increase! Legit too, not just pushing smaller weight multiple times and using the 1RM calculator to say I've increased, but actually putting up 105% of my previous 1RM.
Great feeling of accomplishment!

I started with a few warmups and then:
Bench Press - 45sx10, 60sx5, 70sx3, 80sx1, 85sx1, 95sx1
SS With DB Pullovers - 55x6,6,6,6,6

EDT 1 - 12:35 (Last Time - 13:23)
Decline DB Bench - 65X8,7,7,6,6F (Last Time - 65X7,7,6,5,5F)
Seated Cable Rows - 140X8,7,6,4,4F (Last Time - 140X7,6,5,5,5F)

EDT 2 - 10:09 (Last Time - 11:04)
BB Curls - 90x 7,6,6,6,5F (Last Time - 100x4 90x5,5.5,5F)
Skull Crushers - 60x 7,6,6,6,5F (Last Time - 60x6,6,6,5,5F )

Not only did I hit my 105% increase in Bench Press, but I also did more reps in less time on all my EDT routines.

Solid workout today.
I couldn't be happier with the progress made so far since starting The Blueprint. My weight is still the same, but I have clearly gained strength and reduced body fat.
My measurements haven't change much at all either, which I find a little interesting, but based on setting new PR's and increasing 1RM's across the board, it is obvious that I am gaining strength and things are starting to change in my muscle composition.
I still have one GLP WO left for Squats and then I'll enter into cruise. After that, I hope to work with Rob on a custom plan for my 2nd run.

Thanks to all for your words of wisdom and encouragement. And a special thanks to dropthebeats! His encouragement really helped me overcome a major mental roadblock and I appreciate his and everyone else's help.

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 4:34 pm
by SloTown
Day 35 of feast
Last day of feast!
Weight - 170 (woohoo!! all those calories are finally starting to catch up)
GLP1 WO6 - Squats
MPS - 7 pre/post

As expected, I set a new PR and increased my 1RM for Ball Squats by 5% today.
You know you're on to something when new PR's and increasing 1RM's becomes the norm! :)

A few warmups and then:
SQUAT - 40sx10, 50sx5 60sx3, 70sx1, 80sx2, 85sx1
Superset Hyperextensions - 10,10,10,10

EDT 1 - 15:54 (Last Time - 20:13)
Calf Raises - 150x12,12,11,11,10 (Last time - 150x12,12,11,10,10)
Glute Extension - 100x7,7,7,6,5 (Last time - 100x7,7,5,5,4)
Abs - Leg raises - 15,15,15,10,10 (Last time - 15,15,15,15)

EDT 2 - 8:40 (Last time - 9:59)
Lat Pulldowns - 130x7,5,5,5,4F (Last Time - 120x6,5,5,4,4)
Shoulder Press -35x6,6,5,5,4F (Last time - 30x7,7,5,5,5)

Great final feast workout. Met the goals of the GLP program, increased weight in EDT's and decreased total time in EDT's.

I have to say that my first run so far has been pretty darn successful! I set numerous PR's and increased my strength significantly in some areas. What's more valuable than all that is the amount of knowledge and confidence I have gained from this experience. The Blueprint works! There's no doubt about that!

Now onto Cruise...

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 6:41 pm
by dropthebeats
Great job! Don't be surprised if you see more gains in the Cruise Phase.