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Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 10:07 pm
by Slicknic05
Guys, it says in the 3.0 that if you want to tip the scale to a more sarcoplasmic hypertrophy you just need to reduce the rest time. how about the weights? do you need to reduce it too? or just stick with the given rep ranges written in the 3.0.


Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 2:35 pm
by drtda
I've been experimenting with this for a while now doing different types of lifting to try to increase sarcoplasmic hypertrophy.

I've done both 4X and modified 3X sets popularized by Steve Holman of Ironman. Right now I'm doing what is called Surge Nubret Pump Training. Google it for a good explanation as it is fairly simple, but I don't want to drone on here forever to explain everything.

To get to the point, yes, you will have to reduce weight to do these types of sets. It's no different than in 3.0 for Workout #5 and #6, when you reduce your time between sets to 1 minute on your EDT blocks, there is no way to keep doing the same weight as you did with 2 or 3 minutes between sets.

Feel free to ask me any questions as I'm enjoying the Pump Training right now. It's a different bird than what most people usually do, but I've had some positive results thus far.

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 7:15 am
by Slicknic05
thanks man! i read about the serge nurbet training. it was kinda legit so maybe i'm going to give it a try. and good to hear you're also doing the iron man training. i have the e-book but i did not read it yet. I'm just confused about the day "A" training in serge's program. it said in the last portion of the "A" day that you have to do the pairing in a superset fashion. which pair was it? the A1 and A2?

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 11:45 am
by drtda
I've kind of modified things a little bit.

First, I cut the volume down somewhat as there is no way I can do the amount of volume that Serge used to do. I think he has 35-40 sets for chest, which is crazy. I'm doing around 16-20 sets per bodypart.

The only thing that I superset when doing this is on biceps/triceps as I feel it is pretty easy to do. All of the other body parts I just do them with regular straight sets.

I'm also dividing my lifting into 2 different times during the day, i.e. chest in AM and back in PM.

Hope this helps.