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MASS Cliff's Notes

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 6:46 pm
by askmass
As I was clearing out a ton of old emails this morning, I found the following article, which I received almost two years ago.

I have no idea of it's exact origins or who to credit for it, only the sender who's email account generates a bounce.

It reads a lot like a Wiki article, but I could not find it there.

Nevertheless, after giving it a little thought today upon rereading it again, I've decided to at least post it here for the time being - for posterity's sake, in hopes the author might come forward, and for those interested in knowing a little more about the company history.

I find it to be a fairly accurate and fair overview of the Muscle And Sports Science back story from a keen observer of the industry, whoever they may be.


Muscle And Sports Science (better known by the acronym “MASS") is an Athens, GA based nutritional supplements research and marketing company noted for being the first promoter of DHEA (short for Dehydroepiandrosterone) and Glucosamine Chondroitin.

Founded in 1993 when the fitness supplements industry was undergoing a revolution, MASS launched as a direct to consumer supplier of a new class of nutritional supplements with more scientific backing than previously seen in the category.

With Whey Protein and Creatine Monohydrate leading the way (the latter gained attention following the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona), new and innovative companies like MASS found an eager group of consumers for these products.

MASS was one of a select few to nationally distribute the highly hyped Met-Rx through 800 number mail order during this time, while also promoting a number of virtually unknown and import items from small, independent labs. One of these, a long defunct product called ‘Zebutol Suma Extract’ by ZOE Discoveries remains a source of folklore and intrigue among some inside the bodybuilding circle still today.

By 1994, MASS was well into marketing the previously prescription only DHEA and novel Glucosamine Chondroitin compounds. Others in the industry soon began to take notice and followed suit. Within another year or two these two supplements were finding their way to widespread mainstream popularity.

Thereafter, the company introduced a new version of Whey Protein Concentrate, calling it ‘MASS PRO’ and proclaiming it their flagship. They also demoted promotion of Met-Rx at this time, eventually dropping it altogether. MASS PRO is unique in that it contains Colostrum proteins in addition to whey peptides and concentrates.

Flagship aside, the company is perhaps best known today for its 'Adaptogen N' supplement. The long time main endorser for the deep blue Adaptogen capsules is Rob Van Dam of pro wrestling fame, and it is said that he does for a fact use the product religiously.

As a sidenote, one of the active ingredients listed is the aforementioned Suma Extract, said to promote protein synthesis.

In more recent times, MASS has promoted a new version of creatine to the athletic market, called Kre-Alkalyn. This is a patented version of creatine monohydrate they license from BioCeutical Research which has the distinction of being pH buffered. Kre-Alkalyn is touted as achieving a significantly higher absorption factor compared to conventional creatine without conversion to the toxic material produced by spent creatine, creatinine.

Despite a relatively low key promotional style (the straightforward “Legitimate Products Only” slogan dates back to its very beginnings), the company's main website at remains one of the most highly trafficked in the sports supplements category and is filled with an abundance of testimonials from athletes, trainers and physicians.

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 1:11 pm
by scoooter
Do you have any history to share about how the "Blueprint" and its author got involved with MASS and not any "other" site/company ?

Also for a company thats been around for what 16+ years when did the on-line forums launch ?

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:11 pm
by askmass
scoooter wrote:Do you have any history to share about how the "Blueprint" and its author got involved with MASS and not any "other" site/company ?
Rob likes our stuff and has been a customer since our first year, but he uses and recommends other/alternate products often (and so do we if someone is looking for a specific item that falls outside our line).

For instance, in the Blueprint, Rob mentions not only our MASS PRO but also both Beverly International and Jay Robb as two other quality proteins to consider.

We do own this website and pay for hosting of all this, but Rob Regish does not work for MUSCLE MASS INC., nor has he ever (he always turns the offers down!) .

He's never been paid for an endorsement, we've never paid anyone for testimonials and that includes Rob Van Dam, who has used our Adaptogen N for over ten years, now.

See for more on how we differ from the typical endorsement BS seen in the industry.

All that said, Rob Regish is an outstanding researcher of diets and training protocols and we've exchanged ideas back and forth forever.

When he developed The Blueprint, he asked us to help conduct athlete trials locally, and long story short we were all absolutely blown away.

When he then asked for ideas on how to promote it, I suggested we do so on a spare domain which had forwarded to, prior.

I'm not even sure why outside of my great respect and friendship towards Rob, but we'd wanted to put unique content on for some time and had turned down many offers to sell it. It struck me as a good fit, plus one of our items is partially what sparked him to develop The Blueprint.

I guess the bottom line is that there is a lot of natural synergy at play and it's mutually beneficial for all. Rob, MASS, and customers of both his company and ours.

Also for a company thats been around for what 16+ years when did the on-line forums launch ?
I guess it's been over a year at this point.

This is a private forum, and we've never wanted anything to do with managing a public one. The big ones are a joke as far as vested interests and endless piss wars, etc.

But this is nice as it's a serious bunch of people who love to train, exchange ideas and support one another.

By the way, welcome aboard Scooter! Good to see you on the board and active (if I had one complaint about this place, it's that 80% of visitors lurk and don't participate).

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 5:10 pm
by RobRegish
I'd add to this my very first exerience with MASS, and why I'm still a paying customer..

The year was 1993. No internet and mail order was considered risky business. Saw an ad in MuscleMag I think it was for Zebutol. Nothing fancy, black and white with an 800#. Called and took the plunge..

My first order never arrived (later found out carrier lost it in transit). "Scammed", I thought. I did call John though and explained. To my great surprise, he sent another bottle up free of charge. I was floored. And yes, I gained a solid 10lbs off that product just like the ads said. I remember ordering caseloads of MetRx, VyoPro, Hexandrolone, Zeb etc and other specialty items.

One other thing: He spent hours with me on the phone. Literally. Took the time to answer all of my questions and actually steered me AWAY from some products I inquired about. That went a long way with me.

No company is perfect. But I guess you could say they won me over. Ironically, I've never met John. But I do know he and MASS have a strong track record and some unique products that I like. Besides, flip open a muscle mag from 15 years ago. How many are still in business?

Not many. Standing the test of time is pretty cool, in my book.

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 9:13 am
by RobRegish
One more thing...

The fact John offered to develop/pay for this website says a lot. Here I was, knowing nothing about the business end of things and he offered to do this without me even asking.

Yes, it'll generate interest in MASS and well it should. Blueprint was born out of a sincere desire to make the most out of Ecdy and deliver the results I always knew Ecdy could deliver. My point being, few companies I can think of stuck with Ecdy when it wasn't fashionable.

From 1993 when Zeb was sold here, through Adaptogen N up until the present day Kre-Anabolyn MASS never waivered. That included the pro-hormone hysteria era, where the promise of legal androgens was realized.

The fact they're supporting a forum where we can exchange ideas about MASS and other company's products to me, speaks volumes...

You can debate a lot of things, but time is the ultimate arbitor. And the test of time has revealed that MASS always believed in Ecdy from day one. This forum is just the latest extension of that...

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 11:15 pm
by askmass
As a follow up on this, the author is a former intern of the company we ultimately discovered.

It stands, for the record.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:12 pm
by sovabrat
Great write-up on the company. I wish I would have found MASS before I ordered a second cycle of my thermolife stack. I have experienced amazing gains from the e-bol/tbol trib stack so I cannot complain about that. I have also experienced great customer service from them as well. MASS just seems like the company I was searching for all along. I really just did not come across it until buying the blueprint.

I was a troller of the BB forums for a while before I found the Blueprint. I always prefer smaller, more personal experiences whenever I do something. That kind of carries over to my personal life as well. I usually stray away from the popular thing.

I can't wait to contribute to this community once I get some traction and experience with the program.

Thanks in advance to everyone contributing and making this experience so positive. This includes not only rob and the staff at MASS but the other BP members.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:15 pm
by RobRegish
It's our privilege and pleasure sovabrat..

So glad you're here.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:14 pm
by sovabrat
im starting to wish I didnt use Sovabrat as my username. it sounds weird with people addressing me like that. It was my email address assigned to me when I went to College and has been my username for pretty much everything ive ever signed up for.

Sova + first three letters of first name (Brad) + middle initial T

I digress...