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Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:19 pm
by askmass

It's no secret STRESS is a major issue facing us today.

In fact, it's estimated stress factors into the deaths of 2 people worldwide, every 7 seconds.

The blistering pace of the information age is rapidly depleting levels of the calming neurotransmitter serotonin in our brains - and there is no "check engine light" to give us an advance warning when things are amiss.

The explosion in SSRI's (Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors) is the prescription mills effort to address the crisis. But, these drugs come with a rash of serious side effects, including sexual problems, malaise and most unfortunately an elevated risk of suicide.

When levels of serotonin fall, you feel tired, depressed and motivation for your favorite activities wanes. Simultaneously, dopamine ("feel good") takes a hit and then it's a double whammy of bad. Headaches, irritability and aches and pains usually follow. Left unchecked, CHRONIC STRESS LIKE THIS IS DEADLY.


Two gifts from nature which can help you escape the clutches of stress are Rhodiola Rosea and Curcumin.

Rhodiola is perhaps the world's most studied adaptogen, because it allows you to physically and mentally adapt to ever increasing levels of stress.

Please read the above sentence again, because it's THE MOST VITAL nugget of information found here.

Rhodiola allows you to physically and mentally adapt to ever increasing levels of stress by naturally balancing levels of serotonin and dopamine - without the associated risks of SSRI's.

Likewise, Curcumin has been used for centuries as an all-natural pain relieving, anti-inflammatory agent.

Today, Curcumin has been shown to help a wide range of serious conditions including but not limited to; dementia and traumatic brain injury, cystic fibrosis, liver ailments, arthritis and alzheimer's. It also has impressive antioxidant, heavy metal chelation and fat loss properties. A true BODY/BRAIN SUPER-NUTRIENT, scientific studies have shown it improves cognitive function, lowers cholesterol and prevents neuro-toxicity associated with environmental toxins.

The new supplement TranQuilogen (TQ) contains both of these NATURAL STRESS BUSTERS, and more.

What makes "TQ" unique in the marketplace is the source of these nutraceuticals. Only the most potent, top shelf standardized herbal extracts are used which contain the active ingredients.

This is not so for the typical cut rate, inferior brands found in department and drug stores. These pretenders lack the known "actives" in both herbs as well as the supporting cast of ingredients which impart Tranquilogen's hallmark effects: Relaxation, Pain Relief and a rather profound sense of "FEEL GOOD".

So, the next time you feel overwhelmed by life's stress, reach for a bottle of TranQuilogen, or as the growing legions of fans are calling it, "TQ".

Relax, Refresh and Rejuvenate - Naturally!!

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Learn More:

"I have taken LOTS of Curcumin over the years and other things to deal with social anxiety. Best up to this point was Phenibut, but too habit forming. So I recently tried something called 'Tranquilogen'. By label it's Curcumin, Rhodiola Rosea, Picamilon, 5-htp and Astaxanthin/Bioperine.

Instant relief. Was absolutely dumbfounded and it lasted a good 6 hours.

Has anyone else tried this stuff? I'm wondering if it's the pairing of Curcumin + Rhodiola that's doing it, b/c something's working."

-Social Anxiety Forum Posting

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 5:21 am
by askmass
Bumping this to note the brand new for 2014 Twin Pack TranQuilogen Special at

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:18 am
by beefcake66
I've been on antidepressants for the majority of the past 10 years, and I'm going to give TQ a try and see how it goes. I have an unopened bottle waiting at home.