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Famine Phase Question

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 7:52 am
by burythesystem
During the famine phase, does strength usually dip? Anyone have some real world experience they can share? I am preparing for my first famine, leading into a Smolov Jr cycle for bench.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 8:10 am
by RobRegish
Yes in fact it does. Not always, but it's typical..

To be clear: This is a temporary and necessary evil, the proverbial 1 step back for the 3 steps forward you'll take in Feast. Smolov huh? I sure hope the Jr part makes it more tolerable!

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 6:49 pm
by burythesystem
Jr should make it a little more tolerable........ I am hoping. I also modified it, spread over 4 weeks instead of 3 to make it more tolerable, both to my body and my personal scheduling needs. Lastly, I am doing a 2 week lead in, running weights that are much lighter than prescribed to allow my body to adjust to the higher volume and frequency.

In any event, I am looking forward to giving the Blueprint famine/feast it's first run.

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 8:07 am
by RobRegish
burythesystem wrote:Jr should make it a little more tolerable........ I am hoping. I also modified it, spread over 4 weeks instead of 3 to make it more tolerable, both to my body and my personal scheduling needs. Lastly, I am doing a 2 week lead in, running weights that are much lighter than prescribed to allow my body to adjust to the higher volume and frequency.

In any event, I am looking forward to giving the Blueprint famine/feast it's first run.
You will like. Famine takes some getting used to, but in time you'll come to appreciate it! And you're smart to ease into Smolov..

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 8:44 am
by burythesystem
RobRegish wrote:
burythesystem wrote:Jr should make it a little more tolerable........ I am hoping. I also modified it, spread over 4 weeks instead of 3 to make it more tolerable, both to my body and my personal scheduling needs. Lastly, I am doing a 2 week lead in, running weights that are much lighter than prescribed to allow my body to adjust to the higher volume and frequency.

In any event, I am looking forward to giving the Blueprint famine/feast it's first run.
You will like. Famine takes some getting used to, but in time you'll come to appreciate it! And you're smart to ease into Smolov..
Just turned 38....... I have to ease into everything, lol. Not really, but I have learned that I need to pay very close attention to my body and the feedback it gives. I hear 40 is the new 20, but they also said artificial sweeteners were safe, WMDs were in Iraq and Anna Nicole married for love. We'll see how it plays out.

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 8:53 am
by RobRegish
Anna Nicole was tops. A great mind/thinker that we lost too early, she was way ahead of her time.

Trim Spa, baby.. 8)

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 2:53 am
by burythesystem
Famine phase completed. Lessons learned:

1. IFing is a useful tool to stay focused on keeping calories in the correct zone.
2. Using Psyllium Husk fiber to stay full(er) went a long way towards managing hunger. Soluble fiber is something most people need more of anyway.
3. Juicing in the morning seemed to go a long way towards keeping energy up and providing nutrients, in a dense, low calorie format.

I went as close to zero protein as possible for the duration of famine, but I probably consumed more calories than famine calls for on my training days M/W/F. Next go around, I will focus more on keeping calories lower.

Today was my first official day on Smolov, and I hit all my sets/reps with no trouble at all. Hoping to get to 385-390 with this routine. After that, I will hit another famine and start over following the German/Russian loading patterns as laid out by Rob in the Blueprint.

A few questions for you Rob. During this last week, I re-read The Blueprint 2.0, 3.0, and Meteoric. I believe I understand most of what you have laid out. However, when it comes to the loading patterns, should I be using them on all three, bench, squat, and deads, or should I be picking an exercise that I want to get stronger in, or body part I want to improve, and working the other two at maintenance? Also, how much accessory work should I be doing while following the loading patterns?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:45 am
by RobRegish
Loading patterns for 2 of the big 3 lifts, ideally bench and say Squats. Romanian deads are ideal.

You don't apply loading patterns to your supplemental lifts but rather, suggest applying EDT principles. You can also rotate reps of 7's, 5's and 3's which is another great strategy.

Sounds like Famine worked it's magic and you're off to a great start!!

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 12:09 am
by burythesystem
I guess the way I worded my question, it seemed like I was asking what loading pattern to use for accessory lifts. What I was really asking was, while utilizing the loading patterns for the main barbell lifts, how much accessory work is optimal? +2 or 3 additional isolation exercises? Just looking for some basic guide lines so as not to over do it.

I like the idea of utilizing different rep ranges/weights for accessory work though, doing some basic periodization there as well sounds promising.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 9:33 am
by RobRegish
burythesystem wrote:I guess the way I worded my question, it seemed like I was asking what loading pattern to use for accessory lifts. What I was really asking was, while utilizing the loading patterns for the main barbell lifts, how much accessory work is optimal? +2 or 3 additional isolation exercises? Just looking for some basic guide lines so as not to over do it.

I like the idea of utilizing different rep ranges/weights for accessory work though, doing some basic periodization there as well sounds promising.
Nothing fancy, 1 or 2 compound supplemental lifts should fit the bill. If you need help, I'm here...

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 1:37 am
by burythesystem
Just wanted to check in and let you know how things are going. Post famine, my strength has increased noticeably. Doing Smolov Jr for bench, I have really only been focused on maintenance for the rest of my lifts. That said, strength is up, and my shoulders are noticeably bigger from the insane heavy benching volume required by Smolov. Today's sessions is 1/2 way to completion. I have nailed all the prescribed sets and reps, and have paused almost all my reps, which seems to really be paying off. I hit 10x3 with 300 Monday, pausing the first 4 sets, then it was controlled touch and go after that. Finished strong, did not have to grind anything out. Today being the 3rd session of the week though, I am feeling the fatigue primarily in my shoulders. I am not going to lie, today's session was rough at 7x5 with 280. I managed to pause the first two sets, but after that it was touch and go with no grinding.

I will check back in after I complete Smolov. Hoping this routine will get me to 385-390. I have been chasing 4 wheels for a few years now, and it's finally at the door step. Super satisfied with the Blueprint and what it has to offer!!

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 10:31 am
by RobRegish
Happy to hear it brother!

Having said that, please heed the signs your body is giving you: Insert just ONE extra rest day between sessions!!! You will be AMAZED at how your body responds.. :-)

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 11:48 am
by burythesystem
I completely agree........ and due to fortuitous circumstances, between Memorial Day and other personal requirements, I am dialing down the next six sessions. I will be doing two per week from here on out, Tuesdays and Fridays for the next three weeks. Then I will run a cruise per the BP, and make a 1RM attempt following that.

Thanks for the feedback Rob, looking forward to kicking some ass, Blueprint style!!