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Chinese create HUGE dogs via knocking out myostatin. But...

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 11:15 am
by Coach Rob ... 01156.html

* Dogs have double the amount of muscle mass as a normal beagle
* Researchers say they could be used for police work and hunting
* Beagles named Hercules and Tiangou believed to be first gene-edited dogs

But there's a catch, of course..

They also did this with pigs. The researchers transferred the mutated DNA cells into the pig fetal cells and cloned 32 piglets - however, only 13 of the 32 lived to eight months old due to their larger sizes.

* There also appears to be a change in collagen production that leads to more brittle muscle tendons that occurred along with the muscle growth. In other words, you'll get injured easier.

* All available data points to this fact: If you use a Myostatin inhibitor that gets your circulating Mysotatin levels down low enough, and you see muscle gains, you'll have to keep supplementing with it to keep these gains long term.

BTW, there are NO natural/supplement myostatin inhibitors that are worth a damn, though creatine has been shown to do so! Just not to the extent the athlete needs.. :(