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Attention: Former Thermolife E-Bol & Ecdysten users

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 10:05 am
by askmass
Attention: Former Thermolife E-Bol & Ecdysten users, an important note-

In years past, when we've been unable to supply our popular Kre-Anabolyn ActivECDY Ecdysterone supplement due to it selling out and being unavailable for extended periods due to production delays, we recommended Thermolife's E-bol & Ecdysten as the only suitable substitutes with known quality Rhaponticum Carthamoide.

It has come to our attention that E-Bol & Ecdysten have been unavailable for an extended period, now.

In the spirit of continuing to help those athletes who depend on quality Rhaponticum Carthamoide in their training, we are happy to extend a special offer for them to try Kre-Anabolyn, as a most suitable replacement.

For these athletes, please read the complete information on Kre-Anabolyn, here-

And, if you decide to place an order after reading up on it, use the special one time code "ebol-15-16" to receive an extra 15% off your purchase of Kre-Anabolyn today, with our compliments.

Just type the"ebol-15-16" code into the *Voucher slot on the secure order form located at and you're all set. Your extra discount of 15% will be deducted when your order is hand processed.

We've been sourcing and championing legitimate, high potency Ecdysterones since the earliest days, and welcome all who have yet to try Kre-Anabolyn to use the above one time voucher code for extra savings.

Thank you very much.

To Real Results!


Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 11:58 am
by Coach Rob
This sure is a nice thing to do, thanks for making it available John...

When discussing it, we bantered around the idea of using an isolated Ecdysterone. Eventually, we settled on RCE and so glad we did.

The RCE in KA and Synthagen is the last of the primo stuff available in the US, as far as I can tell. And it's no wonder - the good stuff is expensive as hell! But it also shines brightly vs. every other Ecdy out there... :)

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 5:18 am
by askmass
Coach Rob wrote:This sure is a nice thing to do, thanks for making it available John...

When discussing it, we bantered around the idea of using an isolated Ecdysterone. Eventually, we settled on RCE and so glad we did.

The RCE in KA and Synthagen is the last of the primo stuff available in the US, as far as I can tell. And it's no wonder - the good stuff is expensive as hell! But it also shines brightly vs. every other Ecdy out there... :)
Not everyone knows it, but we at MASS and Coach Rob Regish go back to the very earliest days of high potency, serious Ecdysterone-

When we speak on ecdy, we speak with authority.

I look back fondly to the days when MASS and Zoe Discoveries were helping guys get big and strong with Zebutol offered from the pages of Muscle Mag International, FLEX, and Powerlifting USA.

But, it's a whole different level today.

Kre-Anabolyn and MASS PRO Synthagen are beyond compare when it comes to world class, full spectrum Rhaponticum Carthamoides Extract.

So, for athletes wondering what happened and looking to find E-Bol and Ecdysten, there is no finer replacements to be found.

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 9:16 am
by Coach Rob
This is a story that needs to be told...

In 1993 I took a flyer on "Zebutol" from MASS. Small, black and white ad in the back of MuscleMag Int'l. "Who else wants to gain 5, 10, 15 lbs of muscle"?

I was all in an ordered a bottle (despite the $70 price tag). "Suma Sterol Extract", was the sole ingredient. And damn if I didn't put on 15lbs, just as the ad said!

Thus, my fascination with Ecdysterone began. Later, MASS offered ZOE's "Hexandrolone", an even more powerful Ecdy! MASS then had problems getting reliable ZOE material, and Adaptogen N was born (with UltraSuma). The site's #1 seller to this day.

Later, Kre-Anabolyn and of course Mass Pro Synthagen were added. Today, there's no other company that comes CLOSE. MASS offers the very finest Ecdy products anywhere, at any price.

And who knows? It may not end there. As we speak, I'm sketching out the backbone of what could be the next SuperEcdy...

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 1:58 am
by ChrisW
Wow I almost forgot about the zebutol. That was making quite the rounds in the internet circles circa 2000. People were stating prohormone like gains. never tried it myself though. Didn’t Rob test it a while ago?
I doubt it was just suma. The ‘guy’ kept going in and out of jail for spiking stuff, didn’t he?

Do you guys remember what the active ingredient in hexandrolone was?

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 8:11 am
by Coach Rob
Zeb by ZOE DISCOVERIES was quite different than Zeb put out in the purple like pills. That latter gentleman went to prison, yes.

When I had Zeb tested, results were inconclusive. On the Hexandrolone, no idea as I stupidly never saved a bottle. Maybe MASS/John has an idea?

I do recall Hex putting my HDL's in the cellar, so maybe that product was spiked. It worked just as good as Zeb but faster even..

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 10:31 am
by askmass
It's easy to confuse Amino Discounters with Zoe Discoveries in these discussions. It was Mark Theirman via Amino Discounters who ran amiss with the law, and it was over GHB. Not sure why he was bound and determined to die on that mountain, but he willingly defied the law on that product time after time - as did Dan Duchaine to the same fate.

We never wanted anything to do with the stuff because it wasn't legal, and it was dangerous (especially mixed with alcohol).

My old friend Dr. Kerry Knowlton told me nearly killed himself by accident with GHB after taking a big dose and then realizing he'd had a few drinks before dinner. He spoke of a horrifying near death experience and flushed it all down the drain late the next day when he regained consciousness.

Another confusing thing was the illegitimate "Zoe Labs" products that popped up trying to play off the former's rep after Zoe Discoveries ceased operations. They brazenly used the Zebutol name, even.

Anyway, I remain convinced that Zoe Discoveries, the original legitimate items, were not spiked. Novel? You betcha. They were as unique and result producing as could be in a marketplace dominated at the time by Weiders Anabolic Mega Packs, Dibencozide, Smilax and the like.

But, once their quality control and effectiveness went south, it was all over and done for before you knew it.

It's nice to look back fondly, but as stated even Zebutol at it's best could not deliver what modern relatives like Kre-Anabolyn and Synthagen provide in a known safe, reliable, tested and proven manner.

No comparison, really.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2016 6:41 pm
by KimJong-il
Ebol? Whats that??

Nice sale peeps....keep up the awesome work, ecdy is both needed and wanted!

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 9:28 am
by Coach Rob
KimJong-il wrote:Ebol? Whats that??

Nice sale peeps....keep up the awesome work, ecdy is both needed and wanted!
Very true.


There is a dearth of quality Ecdy in the US market. Since Thermolife stopped carrying Ebol, it's all MASS for full spectrum RCE!

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 10:50 am
by KimJong-il
Coach Rob wrote:
KimJong-il wrote:Ebol? Whats that??

Nice sale peeps....keep up the awesome work, ecdy is both needed and wanted!
Very true.


There is a dearth of quality Ecdy in the US market. Since Thermolife stopped carrying Ebol, it's all MASS for full spectrum RCE!
Thats why I always send them here since Ebol has been MIA. Great stuff!

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 8:50 am
by Coach Rob
There is a dearth of quality Ecdy in the US market. Since Thermolife stopped carrying Ebol, it's all MASS for full spectrum RCE!
Thats why I always send them here since Ebol has been MIA. Great stuff!
Thank you KJI, much appreciated..

You should also know that MASS returned the favor as evidenced here on this board, when Kre-Anabolyn was out of stock.

Companies needn't always be at each other's throats, so it's nice to see them helping each other...

Re: Attention: Former Thermolife E-Bol & Ecdysten users

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 7:30 pm
by askmass
Not to panic anyone, but right now would be an especially smart time to stock up on Kre-Anabolyn! Several key distributors are buying deeper and deeper because the real stuff is so very hard to come by these days. ... l-anabolic