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how could i do O weightlifting and be a physique competitor

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 10:32 am
by teenphysique
Hey guys I have been interested in doing olympic weightlifting for a while now i like the atheltics involved with it but I want to compete as a physique competitor how could i manage both of these as i do focus on the big 3 anyway , bench, squat, deadlift, but i also do EDT and basically blueprint training you can see my logs on here and see my training but im not to sure how to get to do both of these any ideas

the goal is to be good at the olympic lifts and compete in olympic wightlifting in years to come but also have the physique to be a mens physique competitor so i would need to be developing that aswell so i would need to be doing rows , benching , pulldowns, calves etc

Re: how could i do O weightlifting and be a physique competitor

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2016 12:41 pm
by Coach Rob
You can do both, but it's a tall order.

Olympic lifts lack the eccentric component that builds muscle. Your best bet is to work these movements in afterwards (assistance movements)