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Turbo 20?

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 4:34 pm
by Chaz_Albrecht
So I listened to the webinar on the turbo 20. I was very intrigued. I've been training for powerlifting and strength for 6 years. I've been on hiatus for the last 6 months due to injuries exciting life events (started a real estate company, my wife is prego with our first child).

I've been itching to get started again, and the turbo 20 really spoke to me for a couple reasons. I've lost 20 pounds in 6 months. I've always used a cyclic keto diet (carb back loading), but never quite like this.

This is a very long winded intro to ask, where can I find a replay of the turbo 20? I remember most of it, but there were a couple little details I forgot. Also, I just bought Synthagen for the first time. Been listening to BPH for 3 years now, but finally decided to give it a go. How would I best use Synthagen on Turbo 20? Thanks yall!

Re: Turbo 20?

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 8:01 am
by Coach Rob
The Turbo 20 is available for purchase on Chaz. Unless you're a BP Army Gold member - then it's FREE along with every other webinar, bulletin, book etc I've conducted.

On MPS X2...

TRAINING DAYS: Take 10 caps right before hitting the iron. If it's an extremely intense workout, take 5 more post. 90 percent of the time though, 10 is PLENTY.

OFF DAYS: It's 3 caps, 3x/day just prior to your 3 biggest meals.

Use one bottle like that for a month. 2nd bottle, you can use on training days only.

Prepare to recover fast, REAL fast. You may be tempted to train more frequently or even every day. Don't. Take your rest days, you'll only be stronger for it in the end...

Re: Turbo 20?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 6:13 am
by Chaz_Albrecht
Hey Rob, thanks for the reply! I looked through the site again and I'm still not seeing it. I figure it'd be in "special reports" section, but I can't find it? Thanks again.

Re: Turbo 20?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 11:19 am
by Coach Rob
Do me a favor please: Email me at I'll see if my IT guy can take care of it..