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Sample Fruit/Veggie Detox Drinks

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:54 pm
by RobRegish
Highly recommend the following. Most of these are pretty simple. From here on out, you're limited only by your imagination..

Look to use organic fruits/veggies when you juice. I don't eat organic all the time but Famine is a GREAT time to go organic. You only have to shop for 5 days worth of organic fruits/veggies and it'll be a nice way to evaluate how it feels/fits into your lifestyle:

Apple Carrot Juice

2 apples
6 carrots

Wash everything, peel the carrots and cut into sections where needed. Juice everything.

Carrot Anise Juice

8 carrots
2 anise stalks
3-4 celery stalks
2 apples

Wash and peel the carrots. Wash everything else, and cut up into sections if needed. Juice everything and enjoy.

Carrot Combination

2 1/2 lbs. carrots
1 beet with greens
1 stalk celery
1 large handful spinach
1 large handful parsley
1 green pepper
1 clove garlic
1 slice ginger

Wash and peel carrots. Clean and slice beet into thin wedges. Wash and dry spinach leaves and parsley. Juice half of the carrots and beet. Add remaining ingredients using the remaining carrots to push them through. Complete by juicing carrots.

Carrot, Celery, Cabbage Combo #1

3-4 Carrots
1-2 Celery stalks
small wedge cabbage

Wash all vegetables and juice.

Carrot, Celery, Cabbage Combo #2

2 carrots
2 cucumbers
2 stalks of celery
a piece of ginger
a handful of parsley
a piece of apple or citrus fruit
Wash all vegetables and juice.

I don't know if they fill me up as much as eating them. I do know they make me feel better. Something happens when the cell walls are broken, the enzymes release etc. I really need to look further into it. Jack Lalane is like 105 so I need to make that phone call fast.

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 1:12 pm
Just got Jack LaLane's juicer last night at our wedding shower.. can't wait to get on the JUICE!!

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 5:32 pm
by RobRegish
Ha ha!

Lalane's proof you can juice into a ripe old age :)

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 11:26 pm
by askmass
My uncle Wesley was great friends with Jack LaLane.

A true inspiration, both!

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:40 am
by bigpelo
TURBOFLEX wrote:Just got Jack LaLane's juicer last night at our wedding shower.. can't wait to get on the JUICE!!
I got the JL juicer for Christmas. Those recipes Rob gives are on my fridge right now. It's only been two weeks and I already feel like an "expert juicer" 8)

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 7:08 pm
by JGS2012
I love to juice! I have known for a long time that its good but its taken me a long time to get my head around why and how it can be used when all my nutrition knowledge comes from the bodybuilding arena and its all about protein and fat! Even robb Wolf, who was Vegan for 10 years, so pretty much in the juicing scene says its just sugar water! (or there about)

I see now how it fits in with the whole scheme of things! It comes back to nothing being fixed! Life ebbs and flows and is always moving. There is a time and place for these juices. You don't have to be only juicing and a vegan (which many juicers are) and when your living the 'paleo' type life you don't need to avoid juicing.

Some nice recipes there rob. I would say if you are starting off have some sweeter juices, (as you posted) adding carrot, beets, apples lemon, lime and pineapple can add sweetness along with added benefits but later try for less sweet juices.

My tips would be

Always go organic if you can, obviously.
Wash VERY well, rinse, scrub and then use warm salty water to soak your veggies, you can also use a vinegar, GSE or hydrogen peroxide soak. Here is a link to soaking
I hope I can post links?

Once clean leave skins on veggies.
I use Cucumbers, celery, romaine lettuce and zucchini as base juice as they give a good amount of juice for little sugar compared to other veggies and fruits. So one or more of these for volume (plus lots of good stuff)

Carrots have a good varied amount of nutrition so these are good to add sweetness plus a good bundle of nutrients to juices along with apples, beets and pears. Bell peppers can add sweetness too. Also a little pineapple goes along way. They are your sweeteners.

All the deep dark greens are your potent cleansing, deeply nutritious and therapeutic components to your juices but should make up no more than 1/3 of any given juice.

Herbs such as cilantro and parsley are even more potent than the dark green veggies. only use a small amount of any herb when juicing. They carry allot of vitamins, minerals and phytonutriens but a pinch to a handful (at most after building up) is all you need. little and often is best with the herbs. Garlic is ok when done right but one to two cloves in a 16 oz glass is more than enough from time to time. I wont go over what garlic does i think there is tons of info out there.

Ginger and turmeric are nutrient dense and carry potent cleansing, anti inflammatory, warming, digestive benefits and more, again only a small amount is needed, around an inch to three inches of the rhizome. they can add a nice 'Zing' to a juice. I like Pineapple, Turmeric and ginger. as an anti inflammatory juice.

Lemons and limes can be mixed to almost any juice and help to add 'zing' to that juice .

You might want to cut juicing back, or suck it up and just stick to the odd 8oz green juice when you are really trying to get very lean but out side of that you should try juicing. I have done up to 7 days on just juice and I created (stole from a friend mostly) a juice concoction that I swear saw me see off GOUT!! It can be a potent stuff so you should try not to take any medication in a two hour window either side of juicing.

Sorry to waffle. Its late here so i'm not sure if that will even make any sense!

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 2:34 am
by keirasanchez
Detox drinks are used to detoxify the body. Even you could also use the plain water as a detox drink. Just drink six to eight glasses of water for the good health..

raw fermented vegetables | colon cleanse