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If you know someone taking Asprin, please read!!

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:25 pm
by matter2003
Just wanted to post this regarding some dangers of aspirin that many are not aware of. If you know someone using Aspirin therapy, please make sure you pass this on to them, it just might save their life someday(not kidding)...information is from Dr. David Williams again...I am a huge fan of his...he basically tells it like it is and is very concerned about some recent aspirin findings.

In a review of 17 clinical studies comprising 2,367 individuals, it was found the simple act of taking an aspirin actually increases the risk of stroke, heart attack, and death in those individuals who are "aspirin resistant". Out of the 2,367 individuals in the study it was found out that 618 of them were aspirin resistant. Roughly 33% of those 618 aspirin resistant experienced a stroke, heart attack, or other vascular incident during the study. This compares to only 15% of those who are aspirin sensitive(non-aspirin resistant people).

What makes it worse is that during the study 5.7% of the aspirin resistant patients died versus only 1.3% of the aspirin sensitive patients. MEN, it was found, are more likely to be aspirin sensitive than women. Also, individuals who are aspirin-resistant don't seem to be helped by blood thinning drugs such as Plavix. Somehow, the blood clotting ability in these people overpowers the anti-clotting effects of the drugs(aspirin and Plavix), making the problem worse and leading to a very significant increase in the risk for stroke, heart attack and death.

He recommends that anyone taking aspirin on a regular basis get tested IMMEDIATELY to see if they have this issue, and if so to discontinue it ASAP. He also says he is shocked there hasn't been more of an uproar from the public regarding these findings, as a vitamin or herb that was shown to be responsible for 1/10 of these issues would be crucified, and that there have likely been thousands of unnecessary deaths and the trigger for hundreds of thousands of unnecessary heart attacks and strokes.

He also recommends the following options instead:

1) BROMELAIN: This protein enzyme from pineapple stems and fruit provides most of the cardiovascular benefits of aspirin without the unwanted side effects. Excellent results can be achieved by taking 2-4 grams per day in divided doses 2 or 3 times a day between meals.

2) DARK CHOCOLATE/PURE COCOA: Recently, researchers have found that some forms of chocolate(the darker and closer to pure cocoa the better) can provide the same blood thinning and heart attack protections as aspirin. The flavonols in cocoa can help improve blood flow, and the amount needed isn't much. Mars has a chocolate line called CocoaVia that are rich in beneficial flavols, but contain more sugar than he likes...

Ideally, look for a chocolate product containing at least 60% cocoa solids(it will say on the label) and that has been minimally processed("Dutch" processing removes most of the flavonols from the cocoa powder).

When you combine the problems associated with aspirin resistance with those of aspirin induced gastrointestinal bleeding and macular degeneration, it should become quickly apparent that it isn't a drug to be taken lightly, particularly on a routine basis. Just because it's "OTC" doesn't mean its safe for everyone

If you or someone you know is taking aspirin and they follow the instructions, get tested and are found to be aspirin resistant, you may have just saved their lives or prevented a stoke or heart attack...please do not take this likely, this condition is far more prevalent than most people would think, especially in men....

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:55 am
by bigpelo
1 person out of 4 !! that's a lot :shock:

Thanks for sharing, I do know people that have been prescribed aspirine to use on a daily basis as a "stroke prevention"...

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:12 pm
by DaCookie
I put it on my facebook

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:44 pm
by tufluk
good info!

real eye opener

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 9:56 am
by RobRegish
Almost, as bad as NSAID's (ibuprofen/acetomeniphen) when taken on a daily basis!!

Folks, these things shouldn't be used like tic-tacs. Liver enzymes shooting over the moon, deleterious effects of stomach lining etc. await you.

5Faces of Fear(tm) wouldn't touch this w/"Mixelflick's" pole*... :)

*Or so he claims, on our weekly conference calls held in "Parts Unknown"... :):)

Matter2003, thanks AGAIN!!! - For your selfless contribution to my/our, BP Family... :):):)